Well here we go, My FIRST blog post. Yes, it's 1:43am on a Monday night, I have a 930 in the morning and homework to still accomplish. My pandora is roaring loud as my thoughts spill all over my head. I will do anything right now to get out of doing my homework. -_- Its been a busy week, and its only Monday, well now Tuesday I guess if were getting technical.
But Today is that day, Valentines Day. Yepp, I said it. For all you single-swag ladies out there, I know you are cringing at the very sound of the word. I was in your same exact shoes exactly, hmm lets see, 4 hours ago. Until I realized something... Why does Valentines day have to be about couples ?! Who ever set that RULE... okay well maybe cupid did but still, why do we let it define us like that.
I realized tonight after creeping my newsfeed on facebook that a lot of people are complaining about being single or what to do because they don't have a guy.. and I was the same way. (I already had my pre-made status made in my head: Valentines day: just another day to me) HOW freaking pathetic am I...like seriously. I don't need NO man to make me happy. It hit me like a wave of cold water. Suddenly I thought about my life and all the things that I have to be thankful for. I thought about the people that have nothing in other places of this world and I felt pathetic... REALLY, am I sitting here feeling sorry for myself for no reason, over an Over-Commercialize "American" holiday ?!?!!? Then I thought about all the other single people out there and I wanted to speak to them. I wanted them to understand and realize what I had realized in those few moments...
Valentines day doesn't have to be about boyfriends and girlfriends, husbands and wives...yadayadayada it is about sharing and telling the people that you love that you care about them! You can be perfectly happy on Valentines day and every other day that you are single...even if you just got out of a relationship with someone. You are STRONG you are BEAUTIFUL, and you are created by someone that loves you so very much.
This year GOD is my Valentine<3 And he is the only one I will really ever need. The great thing is that he will always be my valentine.. No matter how bad I mess up, no matter how many mistakes I make, no matter how many promises I break because He loves me, truly and fully.. and you know what He loves YOU too. Even if you don't know him. He can make you whole.. he can take away the loneliness you feel inside your heart, the pain you feel every night. You may go day to day just shrugging him off but he's always there waiting for you to embrace his presence. I tell you this because I want you to know Him like I do. Now, don't get me wrong I have a lot of growing to do in my relationship with Him, but everyday I can feel it getting better. I can stand here and say this to you because of some very amazing people that have come into my life this year. With these girls in my life I would not be writing this blog post to you today. They are the reason I have found God again, and I didn't even know that I was lost to begin with...that's the scary part. They are my foundation and my rock and have brought me back to the loving God I knew when I was younger. One other thing that has changed my view on everything is the book "The Shack" please read this book if you have the chance, it might flip your world upside down, and you might not agree with some of the things in it but trust me its all worth it. It will make you think about who God is or who you think He is if you already know him, even if it might be fiction. Just read it, you have NOTHING to lose but all to gain
Now, if you don't know me, that's okay and if you don't know God that's okay too. I just felt like this was something on my heart that needed to be set free. You can read this and shrug it off and go back to living your life or you could do me the biggest favor and just think about what I have said. I must have faith in a pretty awesome God to confess all of this to you, whether you be a complete stranger or someone that I have known my whole life. I just want you to know that no matter who you are you are loved by someone that created love. Well, that might be hard to explain and hard to believe but it is the truth and I am, as well as many others that I know, living proof of his love.
This day marks the change of my life..I am ready to start being BOLD in my faith and follow him fully to the best of my ability. Now, does that mean that I am going to change who I am.. well no.. I'm still going to be your best friend, your sister, or just the girl you knew in high school but I will reflect His love in my life to the best that I can. And I am going to tell you that I am going to slip and fall A LOT of times because we all know that I am far from perfect but I know that He will pick me up when I fall and lead the way(:
John 3:16 "God so LOVED the world that he gave up his one and ONLY son, so that we would be forgiven our sins and live in eternal life." <3
This Valentines day let LOVE in. God is LOVE.
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